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What slots strategies to employ? Well , it was definitely much easier to win in the "old days" when the slot machines were not as technically advanced and cheat-proof as they are now. That time period allowed for many types of slots strategies to be developed – not all were the most honest but nonetheless, there were ways of winning and to most slot machine players, that’s all that counts!  Given the strict rules of casino games today, it has become a much more difficult task to come up with good working slots strategies.
As each game was introduced at the land-based casinos "back in the day", although it was thoroughly thought through to guarantee a profit for the house, it still needed to be tested by the public to find those loopholes that always seem to get by.  As is the case with anything new that comes out on the market, testing is the key to success and also an opportunity that can be taken advantage of.  There were quite a few slots strategies when they were first introduced, from using magnetic devices and drilling holes in the side of the machine (in order to have some kind of effect on the mechanism).  At one time, someone had discovered (and this was also legal) a way of pulling the slot machine lever that controlled the drop of the reels.  Of course, this put many slot players at an advantage, but the casinos didn’t lose too much before they caught onto the scheme and modified the machines in order to eliminate this advantage.

Today, slots strategies are hard to come by - well, at least ones that have a positive effect on winnings if any at all.  However, it’s not entirely impossible to come up with good slots strategies if you put your mind and logic to it.  Think about what it would take to be a good slots players. Three aspects should be considered: the type of slot machine you play, your bankroll, and your betting style.  Paying a close attention to these factors could be the key elements of your winning slots strategies.

We'll explore this and other potential slots strategies in detail soon, so stay tuned!

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